Tuesday, October 5, 2010

a modge podge of things.

1. I spent this past weekend in Miami, visiting my brother. First time that I have ever visited the city, and it's quite the interesting place. The city is huge, and the traffic is bad. But overall it was nice to be able to spend some time with my brother and family. We visited the Vizcaya on Sunday morning, it's a very pretty place and really do suggest visiting if you are headed down that way.

2. Tonight, I'm cleaning out my closet. I have way to many clothes that are too big now, which is a great feeling, yet I am still in between sizes. But I am happy to rid of the things that are too big. Many of them are going to be donated because they are still in decent condition. I am happy to be almost fitting into clothes that I used to love.

3. I am hoping at Thursday's weigh-in, I'll finally have a drop. I haven't dropped anything in over three weeks and the Life Coach is getting frustrated with me (and I'm getting frustrated with me.)

4. I ordered Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD from Amazon, it should be here in the next couple of days. I think this will be a nice mix up to my normal work out routine. I read a lot of reviews on this, some positive and some negative. I'll keep you posted on how it is, but I definitely can't wait to get started.

5. I'm excited to share with you my great deals that I'm going to get tomorrow at Publix. I'm going to be thoroughly impressed with myself when I am done with my grocery shopping. So be on the look out for a post.

6. The weather here is turning into fall, and it's beautiful. I really enjoy being able to ride with the windows down and the air off. (Also, a great help to the gas mileage on the vehicle!) I really just hope it stays like this and doesn't go back to summer like temperatures.

- K-Dubb

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