Monday, November 21, 2011

Twenty-Five before Twenty-Five

Twenty-five seems to be a pivotal age. I have about six months before I’ll be turning twenty five, and I’d like to ring it in with completing my list of twenty - five before twenty - five. 

I'll keep updating the list when I have accomplished one of the many things on the list. I'm excited for the challenge to complete it before May 29th, 2012!  

1. Read 25 new books. (19 more to go!) 
 1. unPlanned  

 2. The Last Lecture 
 3. Twenty Somewhere  
 4. My Horizontal Life  
 5. Choosing to See 
 6. Captivating 
 7. The Hunger Games (currently reading...) 
2. Run a 5k race.  
3. Learn to drive a stick shift.  
4. Learn to cook a whole chicken.  
5. Lose 25 (more) pounds.
6. Update my blog on a weekly basis (or more). 
7. Do 25 Random Acts of Kindness.  
8. Mail a Secret to PostSecrets.  
9. Write a mission/vision statement for my life (or for the next five years).  
10. Make a budget & stick to it for 2012.  
11. Go one week without eating meat.  
12. Re-read & Finish reading the Harry Potter Series (on top of 25 new books.) 
13. Get a passport. 
14. Clean out and organize my closet/come up with a better system for it. 
15. Use coupons to create a better stockpile. 
16. See a sunrise & a sunset in the same day.  
17. Go on a picnic.  
18. Clean out my music on iTunes.  
19. Meal plan for a whole week & then buy the groceries at the Fresh Market. 
20. Take time each day to read from the Bible. (Share thoughts in blog.) 
21. Plan an epic road trip.  
22. Complete from start to finish C25k.  
23. Make a soup.  
24. Get an A in a class.  
25. Start each day with a grateful heart and count my blessings.